7 Benefits of Garlic as a Medicinal Plant that You Should not Overlook

As powerful as its smell and flavor are the properties that garlic has. Since ancient times it has been used both as a condiment in meals as an ointment or mixture to take advantage of all the benefits it can bring us. Originally from Asia and reputed to have scared off vampires for centuries, it is a crucial ingredient in the Mediterranean diet.

Garlic as a medicinal plant is an excellent natural antiseptic, but it is also an expectorant, capable of regenerating intestinal flora and regulating thyroid function. Besides, it helps normalize blood glucose levels and prevents aging. But not only that! In Diario Femenino, we are going to list the 7 benefits of it as a medicinal plant that you should not overlook if you want to take advantage of all its advantages. Take note!

Different Types of Garlic

Before listing all the properties and benefits that garlic has, it is essential to point out the different types that exist so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs. The most common is white, characterized by its intense flavor and dry wrap. The heads of this type of garlic usually have more teeth than the rest and can be kept for much longer. They are perfect for stews, salads, and stir-fries.

Another of the best known is black garlic, which arises from a fermentation process of white garlic subjected to high temperatures. It then develops a smooth texture, a peculiar flavor, and a dark color. It can be used in all kinds of recipes, as we would use white garlic, although we can innovate with a black garlic hummus or croquettes of this same ingredient with blue cheese, for example.

Along with these two (the best known), we can find purple garlic, much milder in flavor, and with a slight spicy touch. There are also the rosés, violets, or colorado with a much more robust flavor. As you see, the variety is in taste. Inevitably you find the type that you like the most, and you manage to feel comfortable introducing this type of food in your daily life so that it helps you with the health of your body.

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The Multiple Benefits of Garlic for Your Health

1. It is an Antioxidant and Helps Blood Circulation

It is rich in vitamin B, which makes the blood liquid enough to avoid the risk of thrombi that can end in heart attacks or strokes. This effect has even compared to drugs that have the same goal: to prevent excessive blood clotting. But besides, garlic helps lower bad cholesterol, and its antioxidant properties protect the body’s defenses and prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia.

2. An Antibiotic without Consuming Chemicals

Although recommended to consult your doctor to find out whether or not to ingest garlic, this product used as an antibiotic. What is it for? Among other things, it treats mild infections, heals wounds, and heals flu and colds.

3.Improve Your Bone Health

Another property that garlic has is that it reinforces both bone and tendon health, thanks to its selenium content.

4. Aids in Decongestion

If you have a cold and cough, the flu clings comfortably to your chest, or you have a lot of mucus, this food can help you decongest, dilate the bronchi, soften the mucosa, stimulate the immune system and significantly reduce the duration of symptoms. This is the reason why it is perfect to use against asthma, sinusitis, or bronchitis.

5. Perfect for the Skin

Thanks to its properties, garlic protects and helps regenerate the skin. Its antioxidants stimulate cell renewal and also help eliminate acne.

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6. Stimulates Iron Production

If you tend to have low iron levels or even bouts of anemia, garlic will do you good. The reason is that it brings benefits to your blood that can lower anemia and increase your iron levels. Of course, be careful with abusing their intake because it could cause the opposite effect.

7. Aids Digestion

We must warn you that this property depends a lot on people: some people don’t like garlic at all because it produces heavy digestions or even generates indigestion. However, it helps others to perform better digestions thanks to the stimulation of gastric acids that it provides.

Garlic and Bad Breath: How to Avoid it?

If you do not want the garlic to cause you bad breath or repeat it, the first thing you should do is eliminate the germ that concentrates both its smell and its more indigestible properties. To do this, the first thing you should do is crush the garlic with the knife blade to be able to peel it easily. Then you will simply have to cut the tooth in half and remove the green germ. After this, you can use the garlic as you want.

If, after consuming it, and having done what we have just indicated, you still have bad breath, try chewing peppermint or ingesting an infusion of cinnamon, green tea or a glass of milk. These products can help you get rid of bad breath caused by products like garlic.

Tricks to Introduce Garlic into Everyday Life

Garlic consumed in any way; however, you should know that this product maintains all its properties when it is raw. For this same reason, it recommended to take it this way from time to time. Garlic is a great condiment to introduce into your diet instead of salt. It gives a lot of flavors, accompanies dishes, helps your health, and brings a different hue or flavor to recipes. How to ingest it daily? Listen to these tips!

At Breakfast
If you are not used to putting garlic in your meals. And you can start by rubbing garlic in the bread from the toast you eat for breakfast. You will only need toast, oil, salt, and if you want, a little tomato. Pour a dash of extra virgin olive oil on the bread, rub a clove of garlic on it and add the rest of the ingredients, and lick your fingers.

At Meals
It can be cooked, mashed, or fried, accompanying any type of meat or dish. A good alternative is to prepare aioli sauce to attend, for example, a paella or grilled cuttlefish. Or use a little bit to season a salad or a fried egg.

At Dinners
Leave the garlic (whole or in pieces) cooking in a drizzle of oil and add some prawns or baby eels to make them in garlic. Another option is to create a scrambled egg with garlic sprouts and asparagus. Cut the asparagus and secure them in a frying pan until they soften a little. Saute them with a mince of garlic and add it all to the beaten eggs to finish making the stir.

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